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Course of The Day: Drawing Anatomy and Figures For Beginners

Start with a stick figure. Finish with a newfound ease in the art of drawing. This Udemy course stands out from the rest, because of how comprehensive it is. It has over 25 hours of on-demand video. The instructor emphasizes that it’s no quick “shortcut”. One of the first lectures begins with stick figures. So, […]

How to Bake Sourdough Bread: Bread Baking 101 Course (Course of the Day)

In a nutshell: Baking expert Teresa L Greenway guides beginners into their first successful sourdough bread. Sourdough bread is often a challenge, even for skilled bakers. Luckily, this 2-hour course covers all the basics, and offers crucial tips. Have you ever struggled with handling sticky dough? This course covers that. Do you hate kneading bread? […]

Course of The Day: Illustrator CC 2019 MasterClass

Some courses cover very specific topics. Some courses promise very specialized results. However, this course, it’s as straight-forward as it gets. Learn to use Adobe Illustrator even if you’re a complete beginner. If you don’t care much for the bells and whistles, and are looking to become skilled at this application, this course is for […]

Course of the Day: DESIGN RULES for Great UI Design

Become an expert at organizing visual information with this top-rated Udemy course. How? With the course “DESIGN RULES: Principles + Practices for Great UI Design”. By who? By Udemy instructor Joe Natoli, UX expert. “User experience (UX) design” is a field similar to graphic design, but much more focused on the users. There’s a focus […]

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